To login, please enter your user name and RAND Academy password.
See additional instructions to right of page if needed. |
Need Help?
Please email: randacademy@rand.org |
Welcome to RAND ACADEMY! |
You have reached RAND’s Learning Management System.
To access this page use your RAND network user ID and
RAND Academy password.
First-time users/Forgot Password: Click Forgot Password.
You will receive a message in your RAND email with a link.
Click the link, and follow the instructions to create a new
RAND Academy password.
No access to RAND email: Email
randacademy@rand.org. (subject line: Request RAND Academy access)
To access RAND Academy without logging in: Log on to the RAND network either on-site or through VPN, and you can bypass this page and go directly to the Welcome page without entering any log-in credentials.
Note: You do not need to be connected to the RAND network to access RAND Academy, and not connecting to the network may improve the performance of certain materials such as video.
Enjoy your journey of learning!